To My Dear Students:
Advisory for Enrollment Purposes On Retention Policy Implementation
BSA Students with SN 2008-2009 and blocked by the system to enroll should accomplish the form Permit to Enroll, show your GWA, to be signed by the DC and approved by the Dean; BSA Students with SN 2009-2010 who got grades below the Retention Policy requirements during the first semester of SY 2011-2012, shift to BSAcT; BSA Students with SN 2009-2010 who got grades below the Retention Policy requirements in non-Accounting Subjects during the previous semesters (except First of Sem. SY 2011-2012) will be given a reconsiderataion.
For your information.
Today is the first holiday for the 1st semester of SY 2011-2012. At last I will have a whole day rest after working six days a week for the last two weeks. Yes, I, together with the College Secretary Madam Simbillo and some BA staff have been working overtime including Saturdays (last June 11 and June 18) up to 9:00 PM just to fix some problems in conflicting schedules of students, dissolved classes, faculty load, room assignments, etc. I deserved this day when I don't have to wake up early to meet my 7:30AM class. :-)
But here in front of my computer, my mind is still focused on preparing my lesson for my class in Financial Accounting tomorrow at 7:30AM. As an added bonus, my daughter served me a cup of coffee and Gardenia toasted bread (promotion alert :-) ) with butter which she prepared herself. Really this is the best coffee I ever tasted! Being served by your children in some of your needs does wonders in a mom's world.
Thanks to Janine for your comment in my blog yesterday. Being remembered by my student whom I met few or several years ago, brings much joy to my heart. Staying put in the academe (21 years) may not be a wise decision to some people who put much premium on money, but I honestly say that it is in sharing my time and knowledge with my students where I find happiness and fulfillment.
Yes, today is a holiday because there are no classes, but for me it is my time to prepare good products/services ready for delivery to my students when classes resume on June 21, 2011. I draw inspiration from the words of our Dean Rogelio V. Paglomutan, "Work is Prayer".
Happy holiday to all!
But here in front of my computer, my mind is still focused on preparing my lesson for my class in Financial Accounting tomorrow at 7:30AM. As an added bonus, my daughter served me a cup of coffee and Gardenia toasted bread (promotion alert :-) ) with butter which she prepared herself. Really this is the best coffee I ever tasted! Being served by your children in some of your needs does wonders in a mom's world.
Thanks to Janine for your comment in my blog yesterday. Being remembered by my student whom I met few or several years ago, brings much joy to my heart. Staying put in the academe (21 years) may not be a wise decision to some people who put much premium on money, but I honestly say that it is in sharing my time and knowledge with my students where I find happiness and fulfillment.
Yes, today is a holiday because there are no classes, but for me it is my time to prepare good products/services ready for delivery to my students when classes resume on June 21, 2011. I draw inspiration from the words of our Dean Rogelio V. Paglomutan, "Work is Prayer".
Happy holiday to all!
New Beginnings

A new semester has just started and everyone is excited especially the freshmen. This semester, I will be handling the First Section BSA1A for their first taste of an Accounting subject. I'm so inspired listening to each one of them introducing himself/herself and citing his/her dreams and plans for the future. Their ambition is mostly anchored on giving their families a better life, not just on attaining success for self gain. Knowing that I will be touching the lives of these innocent young students really gives me a sense of pride and fulfillment. The truth is, in the end, it is not the hourly rate or the gross monthly pay that matters, but the non-negotiable heartfelt joy in the life of a teacher that counts most and this can't be measured in monetary terms.
My dear students, welcome! Step up, make your voices heard, and break barriers. Be the next batch to bring more glory to the University of the East Caloocan Campus. I hope that your stay in UE will give you the opportunities to be the best of what you can become! :-)